Monday, December 20, 2010

How Do You Teach Someone To Think Or See Things Differently?

I was asked this question in response to the Lose Your Mind post. Actually, here’s the question in its entirety:

“If ones mind is closed, how do you teach someone to think or see things different? Some people are so closed-minded that the way “they” think and believe is true and correct.”

I thought it was a great question and it got me to thinking, can you teach someone else to think or see differently? Lose Your Mind was about my decision to be open to alternative solutions for my own difficult situations. But it was MY decision. I think change requires a personal choice of the individual to be open and have a willingness to learn and change. Can another person cause it?   We can introduce new ideas, provoke thought and encourage others, which is what I hope my blog does for readers. But I don’t think a person’s mind is changed unless they are willing participants in the change.

Trying to change another person is out-of-bounds (a term I use to describe actions of crossing over to another person’s power to choose). It can leave you frustrated, angry and miserable. Since life continuously provides us with opportunities to grow, perhaps growth in this area would be becoming more open-minded yourself and accept that others are different. Or, focus on the decisions you yourself have the power to make.

“If everyone could learn that what is right for me does not make it right for anyone else, the world would be a much happier place.” - Dr. William Glasser

Relatively speaking, is one better than the other? Even the most open-minded person probably has a few beliefs that they hold on to tooth and nail.   So it becomes a bit egotistical, I think, to presume the open-minded people have the exact key to right thinking.

But perhaps, through love, understanding, acceptance and communication you can create an atmosphere that softens hearts, yours and others, to promote acceptance and openness.  Even if the change happens within you.

“Very often…the person who changes us does not even realize the positive and profound impact they have had. Why? Because they have not done anything directly and/ or intentionally for us. Rather, they have simply been living their own life in such a manner that we can’t help be changed for the better.” – The Change Blog

Practicing acceptance may be a way to live with those that seem more rigid in their beliefs. We have to share this planet with billions who don’t agree with us 100%.   But at the end of the day, the only person you can change is you, and even that’s no small undertaking.

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