Monday, December 6, 2010

Who Said That?

Do you ever hear those annoying thoughts nagging at you typiucally right when you get a great idea, momentum to make life changes or a momemt complete peace and happiness??  You know the lines:

"That's a stupid idea."  "You won't make it."  "Something bad always happens so why try." "You have to keep up with them." "You don't fit in".  "Good things only happen to other people." "There's nothing more to life than what you see." "You are a loser and will always be a loser." "You always ruin everything."

Shall I go on or do you get my point?

Where do those thoughts come from?  I mean, who said that??  Your elementary school teacher, an old boyfriend, a parent,  a friend.  Who has you rehearsing those yucky thoughts?

 I've gotten to the point where I critique my thoughts.  Is this valid?  Or fear based?  Perhaps I need more information or experience or a new perception but self-defeating thoughts are ugly.  And we don't have to listen to them or take them seriously.  Thoughts are fleeting.  they come and go.  Good ones. Bad ones. Creative ones. Dreadful ones.  Some more than others.

I'm reminded of the saying "You can't stop a bird from flying overhead but you dont have to let it build a nest in your hair".  Or something like that.  You get my point right?

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