Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lose Your Mind

Some of the most painful and sad moments I’ve experienced to date were due to feeling my options were limited and I was stuck. I was unable to think of creative ways to solve issues, deals with conflict, cope with change etc. Due in part to being taught that there was only one “right” way to think and reason or I’d have hell to pay. Literally. So the best thing to do is suffer and wait…………………….

While waiting I cried, I prayed, I became even more dependent on a help that would come, um, while I wait…………………

Finally, I decided, this is stupid. I have a mind, I’m intelligent, I’m resourceful and answers are somewhere. Even if my all my problems could not be solved right away, I knew there had to be a happier way to live. Besides, nothing that I was experiencing was unique to me, just normal human life experiences. So why was I depressing? Because my mind was closed. I thought if I chose another route my life would fall apart (although my life was already falling apart…oh, the irony of it all).

I’ve talked before about creativity so I’ll quote myself here:

“Choices are made from your options and your options are as limited or as vast as your creativity. When you think ‘There’s nothing I can do. This is all I have.” Often what you may be revealing is “This is all I know.’” – From Blog Post 8-Pack Of Crayons

So I simply opened my mind. Got creative. Educated myself. Gained some different perspective. Asked new questions. Challenged the norm. Realized I had options. Took responsibility for my own peace and happiness. And guess what? I became HAPPY. No magic. Just grew up a bit. Try it! (Not saying you haven’t ☺) Life is life. None of us are immune to it. But we can all choose to be proactive, resilient and THRIVE.

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