Monday, October 18, 2010


My heart is closed, protected by rules

Grasping for love, scared

I suffocate myself

I want to jump, fall and fly

But no breath, scared

I suffocate myself

Light peeks, I see it, Love, I long for it

I jump, I fall, I fly

Suffocate I

No more

I wrote this while feeling both the longings of love and the need to protect myself from it.  It truly felt like suffocation; to impede, stifle, smother, prevent flow.  If love is a living, moving breathing force then fear is its nemesis.  They both exist.  Fear won't kill you but it will surely make you feel like you're dying and that "suffocation" can open the door for  deaths of relationships, health, finances, change etc. 

Today I pray, hope, send energy and words in hopes that we all choose love.  A force that never stops.  Suffocate "we", No more. 

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