Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do It Afraid

I saw the Lion King over the weekend for the first time and LOVED IT!! The stage play that is.  I think it was better than the cartoon because of the costumes and the music and the passion the actors displayed.  You know the story; adventurous kid, curious and fearless until something happens that robs him of his inherent freedom.  He runs.  Hides.  Settles in to a new life that isn't completely satisfying but fear keeps him there.  He even defends his mediocrity.   Then he sees an old friend that reminds him of who he really is and how he (his presence, his gifts, his perspective) is needed.  He then chooses to be courageous even though he doesn't necessarily FEEL courageous.  He returns home, fights for personal freedom and for the livelihood of his community.  The End! 

Isnt this our story?  To some extent anyway.  Sure, we're not all kings of the jungle, but the child in us still exists and thrives on imagination and freedom and adventure and curiosity and isn't afraid to dream.  Were you robbed?  Did some situation, person, experience or mindset creep in and convince you that you aren't worthy of seeing your deepest values expressed in your life??  FIGHT!  Get up, take a step, have faith, believe, ask for help, educate yourself, try something different. 

I read a book by a christian author who said we should "DO IT AFRAID!"  "IT" being whatever it is that is holding you back from LIFE.  Face it.  It's probably not as big as it seems.  I've found in my life that the fear of something is usually scarier than the actual "something".  So with a pounding heart and shaking in your boots DO IT AFRAID!!! (And go see The Lion King too!!)

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