Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Idle Chooser

A friend said to me "Sometimes I don't want to make a decision at all.  I'd rather let everybody else choose."  She said this while in the midst of a very difficult situation where she had to make a choice.  In light of the circumstances I completely understood where she was coming from.  I've been there myself.  However, even when you're "not" making a choice you are actually "making a choice".  There's no way around it.  As hard and uncomfortable as it may be I can promise you it's better to make a choice that supports your values, truths, plans and goals versus sitting idle.  The idle choice gives you ammunition to cast false blame on others. "It's not my fault."  "I didn't want that."  I call it false because you, the idle chooser, chose not to do anything.  But when you consciously and purposefully make a choice you get to see its power. Your power.  Even if the results are less desirable than intended you got to see that you can make something happen and, if necessary, have the ability to make another choice...and another...and another...and another. 

What do you say we face our fears, take responsibility for our lives and set the course by making our own choices ON PURPOSE!!

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