Sunday, October 24, 2010

Show Up

This week was tough for me.  Meaning I had tons of projects at work, mounds of homework and studying to do, prep for volunteering, make sure I hit the gym like I planned and spend time with a few friends.  I never seemed to get in bed at the time I wanted to and woke up tired almost everyday.  However, I showed up.  I noticed that I made a choice at every turn.  Where I could have gotten frustrated and annoyed (which I felt), I'd make another choice and show up fully engaged at each task.  Even when it was something I really didn't enjoy it was up to me to get it done and over with.  Dread has a way of sapping your energy.  Don't let it! 

I know that nothing was happening to me outside of normal life.  Life happens to us all.  Welcome to humanity.  I don't think it's what happens to us or the responsibilities we have that brings us to frustration more than our attitude towards it ( and a lack of planning and time management).  A few things I like to remind myself of is that: 1) This is what life consists of; routines, work and responsibilities, 2) I wont feel like this once I finish my tasks, and 3) Nothing changes unless I make it change.   So now that my thoughts are calm I can prioritize and mark things off my to-do list as they happen.  With a shift in my thinking, I feel accomplished, succesful, happy and view myself as a contributor to the world even from my little corner of the planet.  Now what I do plan to do is review my week so that I can go into next week a bit more prepared, learning from experiences but showing up nonetheless. 

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