Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Life In Haiti by Butterfly

Today I'm sharing a post from a fellow blogger, Butterfly, who also happens to be my personal trainer.  Well, that was until she left for Haiti.  Here's a behind the scene view of her trip that really moved me.  She made a choice even when things didn't look favorable and it's beautiful.  Check it out...

Written On:  Sunday:  July 25, 2010

Waiting on Me: "Tomorrow doesn’t envy Today, and Today doesn’t ask questions about Yesterday…because it knows its purpose..."
So that’s what I tell my daughter: Never wait!  Never wait for me… never wait on love.  Never wait to live.  Waiting is what causes anger, sadness, guilt, envy, and impatience. So, never wait…continue.  This trip that I am on… needed to be postponed------- for another time------ perhaps another person, and many would say, “Another place.” So why am I here? The adventure, the escape, the work or perhaps my instinctual, self-inflicted responsibility to uphold family tides.  I don’t know… those all sound good. But, I’d be fool to answer that today (8 days into the trip).  The answer will reveal itself…if I don’t get in the way.  Hell, the answer will find away, even if I do!  For now, I’m enjoying the nice sounds of cooing children and clucking chickens.  Good mornings that start at 5 and calm nights that darken at 7.  There is so much to do in a life…and standing still Has To Be one of the options.  Here in Haiti I am able to be actively lazy.  Doing my day-to-day activities don’t bring prosperity, but peace.

In a week Haiti has become my home and hope.  How is this possible?  Well, simple, there are no accommodations here.  You’re quickly swept into normal life, while you ride helmet free on a motorcycle in an open road with minimal signs and signals.  Normalcy kicks in somewhere between fetching water from the well to flushing your own toilet manually.   Hospitality is of most importance, so I can only giggle as I have breakfast with territorial roaches, greedy flies, and a curious mouse that walks around, freely, even while humans are around.  I don’t really know where I am, but there’s peace
every time I wake up and pronounce my name to the sun...with a smile.  I am on the roof…daily: Praying, reading, and journaling.  Looking down at the animals that get to rummage free, even if their final destiny be in someone’s kitchen table…the chickens and roosters, the pigs and hogs, the goats and cows, the cats and dogs, the donkeys and horses… are home, like me.    

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