Monday, October 25, 2010

A Little At A Time

I have yet another busy week ahead of me.  I just mapped out my list of tasks for the week and seeing it in black and white helped to bring a sense of calm and clarity.  Although I have a lot to get done, I've decided to break it all up over the next seven days taking it little by little.

I read something last night that really helped me stay focused.  There was a woman who wanted to lose weight.  She wanted to be 30lbs lighter and wanted it all to happen NOW.  So her plan (that had been tried before and failed) was to go all out immediately.  You know that crash diet plan: no food, work out three time a day etc.  However, the only way to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off is to change your life not your week.  One has to chisel away at the unwanted pounds little by little.  But the woman wanted immediate gratification and gave little value to the realistic pound or two a week that a real plan would give her.  Then Dr. Henry Cloud, author of  Nine Things You Simply Must Do said "No successful person ever lost 30lbs without first losing one."  He urged her to begin to value a little at a time.  It made sense. 

The bottom line is things take time, especially any lasting change that we want to make in our lives.  The microwave method doesn't work.  We'll simply find ourselves back to square one and often with wasted time and energy, exhausted and frustrated, having taken shortcuts that led to detours and bringing us no closer to our goal.  So with that tidbit of wisdom in mind I'm taking my week one day at a time, one task at a time, one accomplishment at a time.  What about you?

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