Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Different View

I spent the weekend in Chicago and tried to do as much of the touristy stuff I could cram into one long weekend.  One in particular was the Sky Deck at the  Willis Tower, formally known as the Sears Tower, the tallest structure in the world.  It was AWESOME or I'm a really big nerd.  Either way I was inspired by both the engineering of the building originally to accommodate Sears employees under one roof and the sheer beauty of the views.

The Sky Deck has a feature called The Ledge where you can step out on clear glass and see up, down, right and left CHICAGO from 103 stories high.  So of course I had to try it.  I'm a bit adventurous so I didn't think anything about it until it was my turn.  I sorta peeked over to make sure I wouldn't plummet to the earth!!  

Ok, now I'm nervous.  My friend stepped out with me but for some reason we were both moving very slowly and quietly as if any sudden moves would cause the glass t0 shatter.  We stood and the first place we looked was DOWN......still being ever so careful.  I'm not even sure if we were breathing, just standing and taking it all in. WOW. BEAUTIFUL. AMAZING.  COOL!!  Then I wanted to snap a quick corner picture to see me isolated in mid-air.  Pretty neat.  Because I'm always thinking about choices and living life to the fullest I immediately starting thinking about the view.  I had been in Chicago for three days already but the view from the Willis Tower gave me an entirely different perspective.  Much like life, we can see the same people, go to the same jobs, live in the same neighborhoods, see the same movies, hear the same songs and SEE the same thing.  But when we choose to look from a different angle, a slightly tilted head, we can find new meaning in life.  Love can be rekindled, a new way to work a current job or carve out a new career, opportunites for education, taking a stroll down a different path, watching a movie focusing on a different character's perspective can all make the same...NEW and EXCITING.  Again, as I've shared before, My Choice isn't some new philosophy, I simply aim to point out a power that already exist in us all to make the most of our lives; to think and see differently and open our hearts and minds to freedom and adventure!! 

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