Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter To Today (Tuesday, January 18, 2011)

Dear Tuesday,

I anticipated your long-awaited arrival after an impromptu winter vacation, thanks to the environment. I expected you to be a bit busy and preoccupied. I even prepared myself for an influx of noise interrupting the quiet time we usually spend together. I was ready for that. However, I did not think you would move so fast and place so many demands on me. Nor did I think you would offer such resistance with each task I attempted. Last minute meetings, computers freezing while presenting to my directors, ATMs inoperable while trying to snag a deal, lines lasting for hours during my one hour lunch only to have you ignore my needs for more time and fade away much too fast.

But I didn’t give up. Oh yes, you made it hard for me but I refused to let you go. You know what? I decided some time ago that everyday would be as good as I could make it. And I did. I chose to be courageous, happy, optimistic and creative, embracing every moment. I laughed at silly and awkward situations and caused others to laugh with me. So try as you might to sway me, I am HAPPY.  Besides, Wednesday is right around the corner wooing me....

“Of all the forms of courage, the ability to laugh is the most profoundly therapeutic” – Dr. Gordon Livingston

Life & Love Always,


(A knock at the door…)

It’s 7:07pm, I’m winding down with my fuzzy slippers, dinner on the stove, a glass of wine in my very near future and now you want to snuggle up and spend some time together. Hmmmm…it’s ok, I understand. Come on Tuesday, let’s cuddle.

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