Monday, January 31, 2011


January 30, 2011
I woke up this morning moving pretty slowly. Mentally, I went through my to-do-list for the day and the amount of time needed to get the tedious things done plus meet appointments. Then the thought hit me, all I have is RIGHT NOW. Although I can do my best to influence tomorrow I can't predict the future, yesterday is gone, nothing I can do about that, but RIGHT NOW is mine for the taking. I could lie in bed a little longer, I could tell someone I love them, I could go to the gym or do laundry, I could write a bit or get some reading in. Options are limitless but time isn't. See, already, 3 minutes of my life have passed while writing and they are GONE!!! But I'm fulfilled in that I chose to use that time to think, write and share. I'm learning that I can have fewer "I should have" or "I wish I hadn't" when I live on purpose and do exactly what I want to do each day. Time is one of our most valuable commodities. Don't waste it.

Love, Give, Laugh, Connect, Learn and Live!!

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