Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You Can’t Help Who You Love…

Is that true? Does love really hit you over the head and voila, you’re in love with an absolute stranger, swept away with a 50/50 chance of it working out. But you have no say in how, when and with who it happened. Really? I’ve never subscribed to that line of thought. I don’t believe I can fall in love with anyone unless I spend time with them and open my heart to that possibility. Love being a major, well THE major need of human beings (next to food, shelter and security), do we leave it to chance?

In Dr. Gordon Livingston’s How To Love, he explains the importance of knowing who you are and what you have to offer as well as getting to know others and what they have to offer way before “falling in love”. Sure it doesn’t sound as romantic as the movie The Notebook but as a divorced person (who still believes in love and all of its wonders) I can tell you it’s worth going the extra mile.  Check out the opening of the book: 

Honestly, I don’t buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, walking around a bit, considering the price, the season and the potential opportunities of wear I would get out of them. Surely love deserves a more in depth method of rationale and interview process.  We have more choice in love than we admit to.  Let's use it!

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