Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin

Here's a little treasure I stumbled across while doing some research on "femininity".  This book supposedly consists of tidbits from women of the 20s as well as it's author Helen Andelin who wrote it in the 50s.  It's very OLD SCHOOL but priceless.  I must admit that there are parts that made me cringe but at the same time, because I believe at the core of our humanity men are men and women are women, our basic relational desires don't change. 

The author expounds on the beauty and feminine power that women possess and how much men admire, need and cling to it.  

WARNING: Extreme feminists might find it offensive but hey, chew the meat and spit out the bone.  I'm sure there's something in it every woman can use.

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