Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Blueprint

Whenever I start to feel the pull of laziness, giving up or the ever brilliant "'s too hard!!", I dig deep in my heart and imagine the life I want all over again.  And if my heart feels a bit heavy then I pull out the list I made defining the life I’m planning, or the pictures I've collected of the places I will  travel to or the hope and encouragement my life's work will offer to others.  I sort of keep these things on tap for times of frustration to remind me of what I'm building.  

Choices are like the building materials needed to build the life you want with goals being the blueprint of the design.  Let's say you want to graduate from college with a 4.0. There's the blueprint.  Now, to build this 4.0 you need materials; discipline, time management, books and supplies, tutoring and or study groups.  The list goes on and on based on who you are and what you need.  And each of these materials requires a choice to be made.   Pick another blueprint; losing weight, advancing in your career, healthy relationships, saving money etc. 

Your life is a direct result of your decisions or decisions made on your behalf.” – Unknown

I'm not sure who said that or if I heard it or read it but it's one of my favorite quotes regarding choices.  It reminds me of my personal power to create the life I want.  If I add up the choices I've made in my life they equal where I am today.  It's as simple as that.  Sure life throws some curve balls, but more often than not I can see a clear sum of choices that have created my life today, September 23, 2010.  And the beautiful thing about that is, I can create September 23, 2011 with a new set of choices if I so choose to.  It’s my life.  The only one I have to live.  Taking a hard honest look at personal responsibility and self-awareness, ending the blame game, owning my “yes” and my “no”, setting boundaries.  That’s power…choice power. 

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