Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wait? For What??

I was advised NOT to wait on certain letters after my name to pursue my goals and dreams for my life.  And I'm NOT.  I've had the privilege of meeting some of the most interesting people over the past three years.  People that are living their dreams; some planned and some just stumbled into it.  The consistent theme has been a "WHY NOT" mentality.  People who had a hunger for more and chose to move across the country, moved to another country, got out of bad relationships, allowed themselves to create healthy relationships, quit their jobs, went to school, quit school, changed their diet, changed their friends, learned something new.....  The list goes on and on.  They made choices that carved a new path for their lives.  

If you wait all your life for everything to be perfect you might be waiting a very long time.  Again, I believe in planning so that you don't purposely fail, go homeless and lose everything.  But I also believe in jumping.  There's something pretty extraordinary about taking a leap of faith.  And it's a powerful choice.  When your heart, values, talents and actions start to sing the same tune, the world seems to open up and offer opportunities, graces, gifts and lessons that help us become even more incredible!! (Because we already are incredible.) 

Let me add to that "life lessons" thought.  Failing is not the end of the world.  Often it's needed so that you can learn something.  But to wait and stall because you're afraid to fail is like failing already.  Do your best, plan but JUMP!!

We get one shot at this life....so whatcha waiting for???

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