Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Key!?!?!

Ok, so I went for a run after work yesterday.  Perfect weather, a goal in mind, music & headphones, and decided to just take my single spare key so I would not encumbered in any way....FOCUSED!  I feel good, nice pace, zoned out....then I think...where's my key??  I stopped and patted myself down. YIKES!! No key!  What???  So I back trace my route.  After the 4th time retracing my steps and calling my leasing office (who informed me that they don't provide any sort of lock out service) I think, "Great!!"    I called a friend who helped me look for my key....called an overpriced thanks.  Decided to wait it out.  Hung out with a friend until my apartment's leasing office opened and voila!  I survived!

Choice Power Play by Play: 

Choice #1 - I made the choice to run with a single spare key.  

Consequence #1 - I lost my key and was locked out of my place.

Choice #2 - I opted to wait it out and save the $60 I would have spent on a locksmith. 

Consequence # 2 - Had no money, no I.D. and had to stay with a friend.

Now, here's the defining truth.  I CHOSE above all to be "OK".  Sure I made a silly mistake and was inconvenienced (and asked a friend to let me crash) but it was a perfect day all the same.  The old me (before I understood that I control my feelings and responses...not situations) would have been a loose cannon of frustration, belittling myself for being so irresponsible.

I tweeted yesterday "You are never without the power to choose."  Regardless of the situation, I had power and I FIRST used it to choose to be OK.  All the other choices I made were to think, research and come to a conclusion.  Imagine if I had wasted my evening being upset.  That's no fun. 

Life is great, I'm perfectly fine and Choice is Power!! (But next time I'll grab my key ring)

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