Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"There's Nothing I Can Do. They Are In Control."

Some people feel as if they have no control over what happens in their lives.  They're waiting for some outside force or the powers that be (whoever they are) to decide what's next for them.  Living without choice is such a powerless existence.  Especially when each of us has been given the ability to think, learn, reason and choose for ourselves.  How does this happen?  Perhaps it's what we've experienced or what we've been taught without questioning or challenging those mindsets.   

The psychology term "Locus of Control", a concept developed by Julian B. Rotter, references the power each person believes they have over the events in their lives that effect them.  In a nutshell, a person with a high internal locus of control says "I believe I have a say in what happens to me by my own behavior and choices", while a person with a low internal locus of control says "I believe  outside forces, destiny, fate, or chance says what happens to me".  Studies show that people with a high internal locus of control have better self-control, are more active in change and are more influential.  They seek to learn and grow and prepare themselves for the life they desire.  A person with a low internal locus of control are often lacking in self motivation and wait for outside forces to decide what's next but seem to have a more easy-going attitude.  

Locus of Control (LOC)

The Thought in Theory




High Internal LOC (internal)

“I believe I have a say in what happens to me by my own choices.”

great leaders, achievement oriented, better paid jobs, self-determination

neurotic, anxious, unstable and depressed

Have a realistic sense of their circle of influence, gain education and competency to match the belief

Low Internal LOC (external)

“I believe outside forces, destiny, fate, or chance says what happens to me”

easy-going, relaxed, happy lives

Lack self motivation, other people are in control, “why try” mentality

Gain more self-determination, motivation.

Balance is KEY!  Although a high internal locus of control is often desired, it is important to remember that LIFE HAPPENS.  There are choices we can make that determines most of what happens in our lives but sometimes things do happen that are out of our control.  Taking a tip from a person with a low internal locus of control may help with being able to roll with the punches, trusting that a higher power is there to pick us up and then bounce back with the fierce resiliency and determination of a person with a high locus of control helps even out the bumps.  Either way, it all comes back to CHOICES.  You choose where you want to draw your strength to see the life you desire realized.



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