Monday, September 20, 2010

Three Years Is Coming!!

Have you ever put off something but because you know it's gonna take a long time to finish it?  I use to do that.  And honestly I'm sure I still do to some extent.  But  Dr. Henry Cloud made an excellent point in his book Nine Things You Simply Must Do: To Succeed in Love and Life.  He was talking to someone who wanted to go back to school for their MBA.  But the person thought it would take too long to finish (the long time to finish being three years).  Dr. Cloud simply said "three years is coming".  Ha!  Ok, I laugh at the simplest things sometimes.  And that statement cracked me up. So simple. So true.  His point as I understood it was that regardless of school, work, travel, savings account or whatever, in three years it will be THREE YEARS LATER.  The question he posed to his friend was "Where do you want to be in three years?" because three years is coming either way. 

Time stops for no one.  It  just keeps ticking along...tick...tock...tick...tock.  Although well intended and purposeful, no amount of wishing, praying, hoping and dreaming will get you tangible results.  The only difference between a person that has their MBA, a toned body, a full passport, a new house or happiness within three years (or however long) is that they choose to DO SOMETHING during those three years to get their desired result. 

So what are you doing?? Because three years is coming.  Might as well make it count and see your dreams realized.

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