Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinner Party

I was invited to a dinner party by one of my girlfriends last night in a beautiful home in the city.  Our hostess (2o years older than us who we'll call Madame) was warm, friendly, an amazing cook and her home was beyond beautiful, comfortable, interesting and inviting.  Including Madame, there were six of us, two of which were my friends, the others I met for the first time at the party.  After the formalities of hellos and introductions, we toured the home that looked as if it was straight out of the pages of some fabulous home decor magazine.  I took mental notes of colors, architecture, art pieces, placement and the overall feeling of the home in hopes to create a home that evokes some wonderful feeling when I'm hosting guests.

Eventually we gathered in the kitchen, enjoying wine and hors d'oeuvres while Madame finished cooking.  She stirred the pots while we giggled like school girls, relaxing and taking each other in.  Finally, time to eat.  We moved to the dining room, Madame prepared our plates, said a prayer and we dug in to a yummy Italian dinner.  I was trying not to eat too fast but the food was so good and because I had already heard Madame was a great cook the anticipation made me all the more hungry!!

This is where things turned.  Madame asked "Ladies, let's go around the table and share our passions.  Just  a little bit about what we are passionate about and why."  Darn it!! There goes that momentum.  What do I mean?  I'm a believer in the power of faith and energy.  And once we give attention to something opportunities to feed it even more become available.  Deepak Chopra said "Once you make a choice, you change the future."  Although I have been working on the My Choice program for some time now, I literally just started my blog yesterday and not 24 hours later I was being asked to talk about it.  Changing my future. For me it's like a kiss from God saying "keep walking".

I shared this to say to you to "keep walking" and stay open to opportunities.  We can have a fulfilling  and adventurous life if we choose to even at an unassuming dinner party with friends.  Make a choice to give attention to the things that add to your happiness, joy and peace.  Whether it's, as pointed out by the women at dinner, making more money, traveling, a new resume, two-minute prayers in the morning, animals or becoming more in tune with your spiritual self.   Make a choice.  Change your future.

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