Just wrapped up another 9-week session for Girls Inc. This time I worked with a group of 5th graders that participated last year for a different program. I'm in love with them!! It was so cool to come back and see their growth. They remembered a lot of what we discussed last year and it made this segment much easier to facilitate. They are sponges, soaking it all up!
Sometimes I think I learn more from them than they did from me. Kids are the greatest teachers!!
But here are a few tidbits I wanted to share with parents/guardians (most of which you already know...I hope):
- They know more (or are at least curious) about more than you think.
- They talk to non-parents about stuff they think they're parents will disapprove of.
- Boys, sex, periods, bras, homosexuality are top subjects of interest.
- Your adult issues causes them great stress, yes "STRESS" is the word they used (parents fighting, jail, financial struggles, moving, divorce, death, more kids added to the family etc)
I urge parents/guardians to talk openly about these subjects. Begin as early as possible because kids are TALKING and CURIOUS! (Not that they are actually doing anything.) Take away the taboo and fear. Equip them as needed so that the real world isn't such a shock to them. Regardless of how much we hope to protect them they WILL encounter these subjects. Better that they are EMPOWERED!