Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ever want to be somewhere else or doing something soooo bad that where you are now irritates the hell out of you???  Geesh!  I felt that life sucking feeling trying to creep up on me today.  I had a meeting that I was NOT looking forward to, didn't feel like analyzing another spreadsheet full of numbers and talking about it.  In my head I was thinking about my future full-time career; assisting clients, writing books, speaking, traveling, a family....  Tomorrow looked so much better than today's meeting. 

Then I thought about how much energy I was wasting dreading my responsibilities.  Dag-gone-it! I spent about 10 minutes of my precious life, irritated with my life.  Silly. Super counterproductive.  I mean "frustrating" is normal and human, but I'd rather move on.  So I did.  I prepped for my meeting, got everything as organized as possible and did what I had to do. It was sweatless.  Actually learned a lot too.  Plus I really like my current job, my coworkers and...yes...I love spreadsheets, queries and reporting! (Not to mention paying my bills, food in the fridge, a car, savings, giving, clothes, SHOES!) :)  Guess I was having a moment.

So today's reflection:  Do what you have to do now...embrace it.  It's just life.  Be thankful for NOW.  But keep planning, and prepping for those dreams, goals, hopes that are on the horizon.  Can't get there any other way but one day at a time anyway.  Uh oh, I think I just GREW!! Yippie!

live, love, teach, learn, give, grow, ENJOY!

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