Monday, April 11, 2011

Puerto Rico!!

La Mina Falls - Yunque Rain Forest - Puerto Rico

So in a matter of about 45 min I decided to take a trip to Puerto Rico.  It was sooo unlike me....wait.  It was like me in my fancy free 20s (wrote that off as youth), then religion and "lame-ness" entered and I became rigid and fearful (wrote that off as ignorance and foolishness), but now I'm a free bird purposed to live my life to the fullest!!  I'd talked about going to PR for about 3 months but could not get any of my friends to go.  Then two things this order: 1- met someone who said they travel the world; sometimes with friends, sometimes with strangers, sometimes alone but refuses to wait on anyone and encouraged me to do the same.  2- I received an invitation from a new friend to go to PR.  A risk because having the right travel partner is KEY!  Right?  But I stopped thinking and said YES!

Super glad I went.  It was beautiful. Saw a lot. Learned a lot. Thought a lot.  Listend a lot. Watched a lot. Realized a WHOLE lot.  Here are a few thoughts:

1. Stop waiting on someone else to do what you want to do or need to do.
2. Being safe & frugal doesn't mean sitting at home wishing (learned that lesson a long time ago but it was reiterated)
3. Raw nature has to be some sort of heaven.  Amazing beauty.
4. Seeing the world is a plane ride away!! Go see it!! (not that PR was far or the only place I've ever been, but it gave me new momentum)
5. Say YES to ME!
6. I can enjoy myself regardless of who I'm with or where I am because I CHOOSE HAPPY!
7. Crying about what could have been is a waste time and energy, being stagnant waiting on tomorrow to make you happy is silly....but living RIGHT NOW, TODAY is REAL, DOABLE and AVAILABLE for the taking!!    

Just thought I'd share. 

live, love & grow

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