Monday, January 31, 2011


January 30, 2011
I woke up this morning moving pretty slowly. Mentally, I went through my to-do-list for the day and the amount of time needed to get the tedious things done plus meet appointments. Then the thought hit me, all I have is RIGHT NOW. Although I can do my best to influence tomorrow I can't predict the future, yesterday is gone, nothing I can do about that, but RIGHT NOW is mine for the taking. I could lie in bed a little longer, I could tell someone I love them, I could go to the gym or do laundry, I could write a bit or get some reading in. Options are limitless but time isn't. See, already, 3 minutes of my life have passed while writing and they are GONE!!! But I'm fulfilled in that I chose to use that time to think, write and share. I'm learning that I can have fewer "I should have" or "I wish I hadn't" when I live on purpose and do exactly what I want to do each day. Time is one of our most valuable commodities. Don't waste it.

Love, Give, Laugh, Connect, Learn and Live!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You Can’t Help Who You Love…

Is that true? Does love really hit you over the head and voila, you’re in love with an absolute stranger, swept away with a 50/50 chance of it working out. But you have no say in how, when and with who it happened. Really? I’ve never subscribed to that line of thought. I don’t believe I can fall in love with anyone unless I spend time with them and open my heart to that possibility. Love being a major, well THE major need of human beings (next to food, shelter and security), do we leave it to chance?

In Dr. Gordon Livingston’s How To Love, he explains the importance of knowing who you are and what you have to offer as well as getting to know others and what they have to offer way before “falling in love”. Sure it doesn’t sound as romantic as the movie The Notebook but as a divorced person (who still believes in love and all of its wonders) I can tell you it’s worth going the extra mile.  Check out the opening of the book: 

Honestly, I don’t buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, walking around a bit, considering the price, the season and the potential opportunities of wear I would get out of them. Surely love deserves a more in depth method of rationale and interview process.  We have more choice in love than we admit to.  Let's use it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter To Today (Tuesday, January 18, 2011)

Dear Tuesday,

I anticipated your long-awaited arrival after an impromptu winter vacation, thanks to the environment. I expected you to be a bit busy and preoccupied. I even prepared myself for an influx of noise interrupting the quiet time we usually spend together. I was ready for that. However, I did not think you would move so fast and place so many demands on me. Nor did I think you would offer such resistance with each task I attempted. Last minute meetings, computers freezing while presenting to my directors, ATMs inoperable while trying to snag a deal, lines lasting for hours during my one hour lunch only to have you ignore my needs for more time and fade away much too fast.

But I didn’t give up. Oh yes, you made it hard for me but I refused to let you go. You know what? I decided some time ago that everyday would be as good as I could make it. And I did. I chose to be courageous, happy, optimistic and creative, embracing every moment. I laughed at silly and awkward situations and caused others to laugh with me. So try as you might to sway me, I am HAPPY.  Besides, Wednesday is right around the corner wooing me....

“Of all the forms of courage, the ability to laugh is the most profoundly therapeutic” – Dr. Gordon Livingston

Life & Love Always,


(A knock at the door…)

It’s 7:07pm, I’m winding down with my fuzzy slippers, dinner on the stove, a glass of wine in my very near future and now you want to snuggle up and spend some time together. Hmmmm…it’s ok, I understand. Come on Tuesday, let’s cuddle.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed In...

It's day 12 in this new year and it has already been an adventure.  Looks likes 2011 will be quite a ride and I'm ready for it and every lesson made available to me!!!

Lesson 1:  Make the most of the moment!

We were hit with a snow storm in the south and of course everything shut down. We southerners aren't equipped to handle snow and ice like our northern counterparts so forgive us for being super cautious.  Several hours before the storm was forecasted to hit, a girlfriend and I decided to pay a visit to our dear friend who had recently had surgery.  The skies were clear so we thought it was ok to go to the other side of town with dessert, a crazy balloon, a meaningful card and love to bestow.  Of course we did the typical "when chicks get together" routine (talking, wine, snacking, laughing) and our visit lasted much longer than we planned.  Finally we decided to leave before the snow, that had begun to fall, got any heavier.  I kid you not when I tell you that we got about 4 miles away and could not see 10 feet in front of my car.  Cars were sliding, lanes were no longer visible and I was terrified.  So we turned around to go back to our friends home and wait it out.  Our "wait" turned into 2.5 days.

So here we are, stuck at my friend's home with plenty of opportunities to be annoyed, upset, irritated and impatient.  We could have complained, moaned and groaned (especially my friend who was post op and in a cast, with two dogs in tow and now two adults crashing her sofa).  But you know what happened?? WE HAD A BLAST!!  The time together proved to be easy, loving, silly, restful, playful, educational and just plain FUN!  We did allow each other to vent about the inconveniences but no one stayed in that emotional place.  We had an all out 2.5 days slumber party!  Complete with wine, strawberry shortcake, tortillas and cheese dip, coffee, belgium waffles for breakfast, web surfing, mushy movies, touching documentaries and silly events that we have sworn to secrecy! We made the most of the moment and enjoyed every minute of our time together.  As a result I've grown more in love with these beautiful spirited women and am grateful for their presence in my life.  *heart is full*

We can't always choose our circumstances but we can choose how to respond! xo