Thursday, October 28, 2010

Am I Worthy of Decisions That Protect Me? Part 2

I mentioned yesterday that I would poll men to see how they felt about their worth and making choices that support their individual needs. Here's the question I posed and a few responses:

Question: When you make a decision for YOU like having fun, spending money and self-care, do you question if you're worth it or feel guilty?


"Never! I may (question) if it’s wise financially, morally, etc." - C., 37

"Nope, I'm always worth it.  'Is it the right time?' is the question." - S., 36

"I don't question if I'm worth it...I question if I have the time for that right now, or what's on my schedule.  I'm always worth it." - K., 37

"I use to.  Now that I'm free (from what people think), I do what I (want to) without questioning or feeling guilty." - J., 37

Interesting huh? 

I appreciated how strong the responses were regarding their worth.  These men seem to value themselves while at the same time consider their responsibilities and priorities.   Sounds like a nice balance.  What do you think?

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