Thursday, October 14, 2010


Just downloaded the audio book for The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko.  I remember it hitting the scene a while back but never got into it.  I admit I was skeptical because I'm not interested in any get rich quick schemes or metaphysical manifestations of money appearing out of nowhere.  However, when I've judged something without real knowledge about it I can admit when I'm wrong.  And I was wrong! 

This book is really interesting.  It points out the practical sides of building wealth ya know; hard work, budgeting, patience, changing your habits.  And it also exposes the fake "rich" that are flashy hyper consumers who care more about "looking" rich than being wealthy.  The authors go on to say that in their search for millionaires to study they were surprised at the number of wealthy people who lived in normal neighborhoods, drove normal cars, had normal jobs etc.  They give tons of  examples like a couple that made less than $80K a year having a net work more than a person that made upwards of $200K a year.  It's a great look into America's wealthy as well as a good kick in the butt for anyone serious about their financial future.  

Personally it's reminding me to make power choices regarding spending, saving, investing and to question why I want some of the things I want (like a new pair of boots).  I want financial freedom more than new shoes so I had better make power choices that support that goal, ey? 

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