Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  Something about it says RESTART and I feel energized.  But I love any new day, a new week, a new school year, newly washed laundry, a clean page in my journal, the delete button, choosing to forgive or being forgiven, hitting the gym, opening a savings account...  Any thing that says let's start anew.  I try not to forget to be responsible for anything I need to tidy up about yesterday, but to take yesterday's old into my RESTART, no way!    I miss it sometimes and recall a mistake made or a bad decision that I regret.  But since I can't change yesterday I might as well be happy and positive about today.  I think life offers us so many opportunities to start again.  And life is way too short to give energy to dead horses.  So go ahead, and hit that RESTART button on your life.  You can decide to forgive someone, forgive yourself, set new financial goals, read a new book, start your new business, drink more water, or just BE HAPPY.  Whatever it is RESTART!!.

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