Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Coming Out

What’s on my mind today? Coming out of the closet. I know so many people who are living in the closet in some way; sexual orientation, religious affiliation or the lack thereof, financial integrity, eating habits, relationship status, pretending to be “ok”, ya know, life choices in general. We hide. We pretend. Why?

The most loving experience I’ve ever had is being accepted for I am.   Being able to share without the fear of rejection (spoken and silent rejection) and being loved and liked all the same. When my loved ones seek to understand and not convert. It’s a lot to ask and hope for but call me crazy, I choose to hope. Here’s the clincher, in my quest for this acceptance of and for myself and who I really am, my heart has expanded with room for others and their hidden lives.  To be known and to know others. 

Understanding what it feels like to hide makes me a more empathetic, compassionate and accepting person.  I look for ways to see the good in people. Understand their plight. I put myself in their shoes. I'm not talking about secret murders here, just life choices.  I try to see and feel from where others stand. Doesn’t mean I always agree but I can be kind, accepting and understanding.  Especially when I remember being a rigid, judgmental, critical, elitist, dogmatic, religious fanatic that thought "my group" had the key to life. It was pretty pompous actually. Not to mention the enormous amount of hypocrisy that existed within “my group”. I truly had no room to judge anyone, then or now.  I don't know anyone who owns the patent on  truth.

There’s something very humbling about accepting yourself and not hiding or playing the part and then extending that acceptance to others. Life changing. Not sure what you may be “in the closet” about but “…when you feel like you don’t have to hide anymore, life just seems to open up a bit.” You are blessed with “an opportunity to be completely honest.” (http://theagnosticpentecostal.com/)

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