Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Familiar vs The Unknown

Sometimes the hardest thing about change is the unfamiliar.  It can be scary and uncomfortable to make choices in our life that require us to change, spark change in others or changes our situation.  The familiar, even when it's bad for us or keeps us stagnant, can often provide a sense of comfort.  Family Counselor Cotina Houston, MS, LPC of Serenity Counseling says,

"If something is wrong or doesn't feel right to you, you should never find yourself getting "use to it". Example, "I'm used to him calling me out my name" or "I'm used to her not being appreciative of my hard work". We should never allow negative behavior to be our norm."

That's what we see happening when we find ourselves in bad relationships or dead-end jobs or with horrible eating habits.  We've become comfortable with the familiar so much so that the "bad" feels better than trying something new.  I believe the same is true for the positive things in our lives.  You'll often see successful business people looking for new ways to advertise the same product, a teacher may explore new techniques to teach or a mom may search for a new recipe for dinner.  It can be the same thing with a new twist.  It keeps us thriving as human beings to think and be creative.  

Truth is, everything changes and even if the "thing" or "situation" doesn't change, our perception of it can and often does.  Look at technology today.  You can be afraid of it and get left behind.  Job opportunities can become limited because of the fear of the unknown.  Whenever I feel apprehensive about embarking on something new I tell myself, "There are millions of people who already understand this (whatever "this" is), so all I have to do is learn more about it.  By this time next year I will understand this so I will push past these emotions and do it afraid."

Change is a part of life.  And it happens whether we choose it or not.  Good things become better or deteriorate, bad things get worse or get better.  We get older, gain weight (or lose weight), people die, relationships change or end, we understand a concept in one way and then we see it completely anew or different.  Not to mention the whole winter, spring, summer, fall thing.  The same but different, every year. Change is happening.  Instead of resisting change (which can cause a great deal of stress), try looking at life as an adventure, a journey on which you choose to be fully engaged.  Sure you may feel the tug at your heart, your mind and your comfort to stay the same, but at the same time you may feel a tug at your heart, your mind and your comfort to grow, learn, experience someone or something different and get out of the box of your own familiarities. 

Set sail, participate, take the road less traveled, appreciate the familiar and embrace the unknown.  It's not so bad and you just might like it!

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