Full plate!! School is requiring a lot more from me this semester, work responsibilities have gone up several notches, time with family and friends are necessity but I’ve been exhausted! I’m not complaining just stating the facts. I’ve been so focused on “stuff” that I’ve missed a few moments, and where I use to find time to just BE, I’ve been sleeping. So I’ve negated my meditation, reflection and the present. I decided to take a yoga class on Sunday to help solidify my choice to rebalance and catch my breath. I went to my usual yoga studio but there was a new instructor teaching the hot core power session I take. She was kind and warm. I liked her instantly. Our session started with soft music, deep breaths and the Supta Baddha Konasana restorative pose. It felt great to be back in class. As I laid there in gratitude for life all I’ve been given I recognized the lyrics to the song playing overhead.
“Yes, God is real. (God is real)
He’s real in my soul. (He’s real in my soul)
For he has washed
And made me whole.
His love for me (His love for me)
Just like pure gold (Just like pure gold)”
I knew the words but it was being sung in a yoga chant-like rhythm with a drum and some stringed instrument. But it was moving all the same as I recalled the song from childhood. Tears started to well up in my eyes and my gratitude increased for this moment, space, and the gift of connectedness to something greater than ME. Then the calm voice of my new instructor said “In today’s practice, let’s focus on the present. Be here. Right now. And if you feel your mind start to wander, use the rhythm and sound of your deep breath to bring you back to NOW. This moment is for you.”
I don’t think my Sunday could have been any better. For me moments like this confirm my purpose and existence in this space in history. I was right where I need to be that afternoon, right where my tired soul longed to be….reminded of love, life, rest, connection, my power to BE in the moment and not let the responsibilities and distractions of life keep me from tending to my soul while enjoying this journey.
Whatever you do to center and balance and restore, don't neglect it. Take care of your whole self. Namaste.