Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Choose To Feel Good!

I wonder if people feel sad then think sad or do they think sad and then feel bad? Do our thoughts  influence our emotions or do our emotions have a mind of their own?

I happen to believe that our thoughts are a key player in how we feel.  I'm enjoying a life of happiness, joy, adventure, purpose, love and discovery, not that I don't have my moments, but a clear difference from the couple of years that I thought life was too hard and unfair.  I use to want (beg) some outside force to "make it all better" but it didn't happen.  What DID happen was a choice.  I made a choice to be happy.  I thought happy, did things that I enjoyed doing, set attainable goals for my health, career, finances, relationships etc.  These choices added to my happiness.  I chose to spend time with people who also enjoyed their lives. You know, "the cup is half full" type of people.  And life changed.

I discovered some interesting things along the way.  For one,  "misery is comfortable".  It's like a bad habit that you can't seem to shake and every time you try you long to have it back.  When you try to let it go, you experience a void where the feelings of hopelessness once lived.  So how did I shake it?  I replaced misery with LIFE and LOVE and FUN and DISCOVERY and CONNECTION.  I stopped trying to change the things that were out of my control and focused on what I could do, my personal power to choose.  We all have needs that must be met, but we determine "how" they are met.  So the next time you need to "feel", choose to "feel" GOOD!!  I don't think feelings are to control us, but they do flag us to what's going on in us and in our lives.  Pay attention.  And then make a choice.

Make choices that add to your good and the good of others.  Besides, most of the stuff that we choose to feel bad about have to do with other people's choices or our perceptions of their choices.  Want a life tip?  WE CAN'T CONTROL EVERYTHING.  But you can choose how to respond.  Life is grand! LIVE IT!!

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