Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Magical You by Mastin Kipp

The paradox

of Bliss

is This…

Give up what feels good

for what IS great

The sacrifice is well worth it

Surrender yourself

to the pulse of Love

and let Love guide you

towards purification

Where the imagined YOU

and the real YOU

become one

Love is expressing itself

Through you, every day in every way

If you could see the magic

That is unseen

You would never doubt Love again

But your journey is to find the blocks

and remove them

It is because you do not believe

That you do not see Love guiding you

Surrender to the pulse of Love

Give up what you think is good

for something magical

Let go of what you are

and become, at once

The magical you

©2010 Mastin Kipp via explanation needed... MC

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