Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Temper Tantrums!

Each of us has our own thoughts on how the world should be.  Even the most open-minded.  We have priorities, views, preferences, rules, rights and wrongs.  And that's normal.  We're human.  So what happens when someone we love doesn't want to play according to our rules?  Do we perceive them as mean and uncaring? Selfish and prideful?  Is that true?  Or are we the mean, uncaring, selfish and prideful of the two?

Enter the crying and screaming, ignoring and disregard. I think of these fits as adult temper tantrums.  Think about it.  The boyfriend won't apologize, or go to the party, or lose weight, or spend money (or stop spending money).  Or the girlfriend won't stop yelling and nagging, or lose weight, or stop spending money or (**insert your grievance here**).  Guess what?  They don't have to.  And neither do you.  I think (and this is my box) expectations will hijack your emotions every time.   You end up looking like the pouting kid who took the playground ball and went home.

Sometimes....most times its easier to let people be who they are.  And then decide from there what kind of relationship you want to have with them.  Truthfully you don't have to have a relationship at all.  Yes, you CAN decide not to be with someone.  Or, you can love them as is....make requests and still love them as is (because a request doesn't guarantee change)...or they just might make the adjustment!  All in all, free love and friendship is waaaaaay better than forced, coerced, manipulated, fear based, temper tantrum love.  If you get your way, then you gotta keep doing it to maintain it.  Who wants that?? YUCK!

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