Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Uprooted: Part 2

Remember my friend, the Tree, from my Uprooted post?  Here's what's left as of yesterday. 

That sweet baby has been chopped away.  I called the park and inquired about its "top" parts.  The woman on the phone probably thought I was a tree hugger (mmm, maybe I am in some ways...GO EARTH!) and responded with kindness and patience.  She was unsure about the exact "afterlife" of my friend but said it was probably used for mulch in the park.  She added that due to the recent storms the park had lost several trees.

Hmmm.  I'm not sure what else to say.  I just feel a connection to this tree and the lesson it gave me.  It had been at the entrance to the park that I've used over the past couple of years and now it's gone.  Change is good, neccessary and vital for new things to happen.  But letting go is hard.  

Now I'm looking out the window and watching other trees, appreciating the gifts they are.  Choosing in this moment to celebrate and appreciate life while I have it; people, animals, relationships, nature, experiences, a deep breath...anything that represents "life" to me. 

I etch in my heart and mind life's beauty, touch, scent, sound and presence... Selah.

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