Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Looking for information on gaining control in your life without trying to control others??  Here's a great resource!!

I must say this first: It's no secret that I was a religious fanatic for a myriad of reasons of which I plan to write more about  in detail pretty soon.  That extreme belief system led me down a path of rigidity, control, rules and coldness.  I was so focused on the supposed godly "rights" and "wrongs" that I often missed out on fun, intimacy, connection and simple love.  I've since left that world behind.

But as I first began to come out of that mindset I started to read everything I could get my hands on,beginning with Christian authors I could identify with. Boundaries was one of those books that I studied, not just read.  It's dog-eared, highlighted and inked like nobody's business.  It felt like a kind friend was teaching me how to maintain my personal values while learning to love others who thought differently.  It put an end to me trying to convert and change everybody.  What I truly valued became much simpler (less rules).  I became a more authentic person, with  the ability to love others in their authenticity. 

SIDE NOTE: Although the authors are both clinical psychologists, they do use biblical references.  For that reason I highly recommend it for those that are caught between what they feel "God says" and the obvious, undeniable, can no longer ignore or pray away, BLARING failures they see in their lives and relationships.  Those that are secretly asking the forbidden question, "I'm doing the Word, God, why isn't it working?"  This book really helps bridge the gaps.

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