Saturday, May 7, 2011

Race For The Cure

Today, May 7, 2011, I participated in the 2011 Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure.  It was my first time in any cancer related event since my sister passed.  I think, no I'm pretty sure I had been avoiding it.  As I drove up to park I felt nervous and little nauseous.  I got my number, and wrote my sister's name on the pink flyer to pin it on my back.  As I ran I thought of her and others that have fought and lost or fought and won the fight with breast cancer.  

It was an emotional run (and walk).  I read the names of others pinned to my fellow racers backs, and watched a few women who had lost their hair to chemo but were there with smiles on their faces.  Part of me felt angry because my sister didn't make it.  She lost her fight.  But then I'd feel happy for those still here.  I was torn.  But during the last few minutes tears filled my eyes and I was reminded that I don't have to hold up the world with my good deeds and prayers nor can I destroy it with mistakes.  Life happens to us all and we have to deal with what comes our way.  I chose to enjoy the moment, celebrating with others and remembering my sissie and the time I had with her.  It was a great morning....faced a fear....and overcame.  

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