Saturday, May 7, 2011


So I've diligently been chopping away at my "things to do before I die"....or before I have kids or before I get married lists.  It sorta depends on the item as to which list it belongs to.  Anyway, camping was on my list.  Was because I finally went a couple of weeks ago.  I didn't participate in Brownies or Girl Scouts when I was a kid so camping wasn't even on my radar.  But as an adult I've grown to love the's BEAUTIFUL!  

So as a requirement for school I had to take a activity PE course and I chose PHED 1087 - Survival Skills.....which included camping!  I was super excited about my brief stay at Raven Cliffs in Cleveland, GA.  Along with the camping we hiked to the falls and I loved every bit of it.  I made new friends and learned a whole bunch!  FUN FUN FUN!

Enjoying life....making the most of every opportunity!

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