Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make Room: I'm Not Happy!!

I come from a pretty strict religious background where feelings were not readily expressed. Plus I'm a southern woman where appearances are very important. Put those two together and it's a dangerous mix of "pretending". One of my greatest lessons on the journey of choice power is allowing myself to feel and express those feelings.

Let me give you an example. From a religious perspective if I was angry about something or feeling sad, instead of allowing myself to feel and deal honestly with those feelings they were suppressed. Under the guise of prayer I was taught to "talk it away". Literally. I'd say something like "I bind depression and sadness. And loose happiness". I'd go on like that until.... I'm not sure how long. But it didn't work. Not for real. It masked and suppressed it for a while and whenever those feelings resurfaced I'd feel guilty and not "godly".

Here's what choice power showed me. I can be angry, sad, offended, hurt, etc because #1 Be Honest: I have experienced something that has touched a nerve and #2 My Choice: I choose my feelings and right now I feel (fill in the blank). And ya know what? Here's when miracles started to take place. Once I became honest and responsible I was able to deal with the root of the issue and resolve it. No more suppressing and pretending and guilt. In The Best Year of Your Life, author Debbie Ford writes,

"When you surrender and welcome any emotion that is present within you, something magical happens and suddenly it has the ability to pass through you."

How wonderfully true it is. No longer does in linger with you, but it's released and you can go on living.  Truth always has a way of bringing about FREEDOM (even if it hurts).

So my friend, MAKE ROOM for your anger, sadness, hurt or whatever the not so good feelings are that you choose so that you can choose to deal and move on!

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