Monday, July 18, 2011

Death = ?

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I know. The title sounds morbid but I don't mean it that way. Just up pondering about the afterlife. It actually feels like a waste of time considering no one really KNOWS what's after this. We all have beliefs that we deem as truth but really they're just beliefs and comforting hopes. I think about my sister often. Wondering where she is or if she is. When she first passed I held on to the hope of a heaven. It got me through the pain of not having her here anymore. But now that it's my reality and I admit that I don't really know, I'm just curious. Here are the options I imagine:

1. Heaven. Streets of gold, pearly gates, Jesus in a white robe with a sash. God on the throne, angels circling and praising Him and millions of others souls joining in on the celebration. But then I'm not sure if that would be happening just yet because the bible says the dead are sleeping until they are awakened for judgement. (Or something like that). Either way, heaven is all good and all love. Except...I think my sister would be bored. Gold streets and pearly gates and everybody dressed alike is so NOT my sister's style. She was vibrant, colorful, expressive, silly, creative and artsy. Surely there's a Artist's Corner somewhere in heaven.....if there is a heaven.

2. Reincarnation. The First Law of Thermodynamics says "Energy is conserved. It is neither created nor destroyed. It only changes forms." Was her energy changed? Was she reborn as another baby somewhere, or as an animal or a tree? But geesh, to have to do this earth thing again? I don't know. I mean a do-over would be pretty cool, but do you remember the mess ups you had before so you don't repeat the same mistakes? Hmm, maybe she's a butterfly because she was really into them and at least it would be a whole new experience. Or perhaps she's out there in the universe as a star. I like that idea!!

3. Nothing. One of my agnostic friend's introduced me to the concept of "nothing". What if when we die that's it? The end. Game over. There is no spirit or soul, the brain's trillions of synapse stop firing, chemical processes stop processing and we cease to exist. That was hard to download in my thinking as an option initially because I had never ever in life considered that. But after I got past my years of indoctrination about heaven and hell being the only possibilities, I thought "OK, nothing isn't so bad." Actually it's a comforting concept to not have to worry about making the heaven cut, or being doomed to hell, or coming back as a cockroach! Maybe the memories and the affections I have for her are all that remain to exist. Maybe?

4. Hell. I use to believe in a hell eternity for all those who refused to accept Christ because I was taught to think that way. Then I stopped believing that people went to hell for simply not believing just as much as I stopped believing that people went to heaven simply for believing. I can't wrap my brain nor my heart around faulty, broken, mistake prone, potentially chemical imbalanced human beings going to hell to burn forever because of a hierarchy of bad deeds while the folks in heaven look down at them through see-through gold floors. And the God of all has His hands tied because he gave His unchangeable word. That to me is cruel, evil, and unloving. It doesn't add up to me and I'd rather use any faith I have for "good stuff". So hell is not even an option for me to ponder about my sister or anyone else for that matter. It's just not in me to accept that.

Now, after all that, do I have to have an answer? Can I just not know and settle there? I mean, is there anyway to be 100% certain? Not by faith nor by theory, can we know? The stories people tell of dying and returning after experiencing what they already believed to be true aren't convincing enough for me.  Nor are the atheists view of nothingness.  Seriously, how do we know? I just.........wonder.

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